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Free Items!

Evolution Made Easier is happy to offer the following items at no charge:

The Master Key System – An 85-page, 25-part course created by Charles F. Haanel to instruct individuals in the art and science of deliberate creation

The Science of Getting Rich – The original 1937 version of Wallace Wattles’ classic book on conscious creation, with sections on efficient action, right use of will, gratitude, and more

Think & Grow Rich – The famous Napoleon Hill book that is still revered today by those in the field of conscious creation and the art of living abundantly

The Power of Gratitude – Wes Hopper’s sweet little book about the astonishing power of gratitude and how it can change your life

22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear – A 60-page booklet from Evolution Ezine about how to transform your fear into happiness, peace and inspiration using simple-to-use processes 

Raising Happy Kids – A 28-page booklet for parents, teachers, grandparents or anyone who works with or cares about children and giving them the love and support they desire and deserve

Boost Your Immune System – Dr. Nickolas Hedberg’s report on how to boost your immune system and reduce your risk of getting the flu and other illnesses by using various vitamins, herbs, and supplements

Ho’oponopono – Three free pdfs that provide an introduction to this ancient Hawaiian healing and forgiveness process that is quick to learn and simple to use and helps shift the energies of just about anything

6 Minute Stress Relief – A 4-page pdf with instructions for using a simple process to reduce stress that is based on The Healing Codes

Oil Pulling – A 5-page pdf by Dr. Bruce Fife about how “swishing” oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes a day has multiple health benefits, including detoxification, better oral health, less inflammation and more; you can also check out this Self-help Health blog post for information about oil pulling

Dr Hedberg’s Supplement Guide – A 16-page pdf with information on a variety of vitamins and supplements
Dr Hedberg’s Natural First Aid Kit – An 18-page pdf with information on all-natural ways to treat stomach bugs, colds and flu, allergies, anxiety, infections and more

Request up to 3 items at a time by e-mailing and listing what you would like to receive.

CONTACT US: To contact us for more information about one of our products or services, request a free item, or be placed on our mailing list, please send your message to Thanks!